Cancellation Policy

Ticket Booking:

1. Non-refundable Tickets: Non-refundable tickets typically do not qualify for cancellations or refunds. The purchase is considered final, and no refund will be provided.

2. Partially Refundable or Flexible Tickets: Some tickets may have flexibility options that allow for cancellations or changes, usually with certain conditions. This could include a cancellation fee or a deduction from the refund amount.

3. Refundable Tickets: Refundable tickets generally allow for cancellations without incurring significant penalties. However, there may still be specific terms and conditions associated with the refund process, such as a cancellation fee or a deadline for requesting the refund.

Food Booking:

1. Cancellation Window: Food booking platforms often have a specific cancellation window, which is a designated period before the reserved time during which you can cancel without incurring any charges. Cancellations made outside of this window may not qualify for a refund.

2. Cancellation Fees: Some food booking platforms may charge a cancellation fee if you cancel within a certain timeframe or fail to cancel before the specified deadline. The policy will indicate the amount of the fee or any penalties associated with cancellations.

Hotel Booking:

1. Free Cancellation: Many hotels offer free cancellation within a specified time frame, which can range from a few days to a few hours before the check-in date. If you cancel within this period, you can typically receive a full refund.

2. Cancellation Fees: Some hotels impose cancellation fees if you cancel your booking outside of the free cancellation period. The fee can vary depending on the hotel and the proximity to the check-in date.

3. Non-Refundable Bookings: Certain hotel rates, often offered at a discounted price, may be non-refundable. These bookings generally do not qualify for cancellations or refunds.

It's important to note that these policies can vary significantly between different ticket, food, and hotel booking companies. It's always advisable to review the specific cancellation policies provided by the company you are dealing with for the most accurate and up-to-date information that applies to your booking. These policies are often available on their websites or can be obtained by contacting their customer service.